Videos & Podcasts

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Improve Your Writing in 60 Seconds | Dialogue #1 Resist the Urge to Explain
Improve your writing in 60 seconds with these short advice videos, created by W&A Team member and author Clare Povey. First up: resisting the urge to explain in dialogue
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 9 - How to Thrive - It's All In Your Approach!
The final episode of this 9-part series for Writers & Artists in which Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook.
Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 8 - Writing Your First Draft in One Go
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 8: Writing your first draft in one go
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 7 - Writing in Scenes
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 7: Writing in Scenes
Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 6 - Creating a Simple Story Structure
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 6: Creating a Simple Story Structure
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 5 - Writing Dialogue
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 5: Listening to every day conversations and how they can bring an authenticity to your dialogue.
Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 4 - Start with One Sentence
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 4: It's easy to get bogged down in the bigger picture of novel writing. But how do you do it? One sentence at a time.
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 3 - Your Life As Content
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 3: How can you re-purpose moments from your life as content for your stories?
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 2 - Identify Yourself as a Writer
In this 9-part series for Writers & Artists, Lucy van Smit encourages you to make space for your own creativity by sharing a number of short writing prompts from her latest book, the inspirational A Writer's Journal Workbook. Week 2: How do you identify yourself as a writer?
A Writer's Journal Workbook: Week 1 - The Naming Game
Author Lucy Van Smit introduces a nine-part series featuring writing prompts that will put you in touch with your creative side.

Most watched this month


Author and editor Natalie Young discusses what attendees can expect from her upcoming course,


Andrew Wright from Action Your Potential talks about the taster session 'Building Your Creative Wellbeing' he'll be running this summer.


Editor Natalie Young discusses her new writing course Develop Your Book Idea.


Applications for the Bloomsbury Academic Writing Fellowship 2024 are open until Sunday 10th November 2024.

Most listened to this month


Middle Grade author Jonathan Eyers takes us through his writing process.